Board of Directors:
Rob Mattull President
Brittany Wemhoener-Cuite Vice-President
Tony Rotondo Treasurer
Katie Worley Secretary & Concession Manager
Kim Mattull Baseball Player Agent
Stefanie Jankus Softball Player Agent
Woody Worley Scheduling Manager
Timothy Gruman Uniform Coordinator / Sponsorship and Fundraising Manager
Sean Jankus Coaching Coordinator / Equipment Manager
Bobby Williamson Co-Concession Manager
Elysha Revell T-ball Coaching Coordinator
Cameron Cook Umpire-in-Charge
Courtney Cook Social Media and League Information Officer
Open Positions Safety Officer and Volunteer Coordinator
Our Board of Directors spends countless hours both during the season and off-seasons to make sure Inverness Little League runs as smoothly as possible. These individuals come together for a monthly in-person meeting. cover at least 2 scheduled Board Member on Duty shifts (or the equivalent in umpiring), cover shifts during fundraising events, and spend countless evening and weekend hours in their areas of chosen interest trying to keep things running smoothly. Each of these positions is volunteer and our board members give their best effort and attention because they want our athletes to have the very best!
If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, please send an email to [email protected] describing any involvement that you have or have had with the league and why you would like to join our Board. Thank you!